The Latest Novel

Touching. Full of poetry and magic. This journey of self-discovery leading us deep into the healing properties of the 'now-point' inspires and gives hope, especially today in these critcal times of collective awakening.    

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Novel, Hardcover

Publisher: MyMorawa

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In this partly autobiographically inspired work, we travel with Laura, a successful entrepreneur from New York to our collective mother, Africa's Kalahari Desert, where she must save the game reserve inherited from her mother from financial ruin. While saving rare rhinos from extinction, she falls in love with a rugged but passionate game warden who forces her to confront the harsh realities of modern wildlife conservation policy. Accompanied by her old friend !Xam, she remembers her former self, able to approach ‚naked as an ardvaark‘ the lair of Mantis - that elusive now-point which she has chased all her life with yoga and meditation. Freed from the limitations of a modern 'self', she awakens in the ‚dream that dreams us‘ and learns to bring the rains to the people she loves. Laura learns to love.


Touching. Full of poetry and magic. This journey of self-discovery leading us deep into the healing properties of the 'now-point' inspires and gives hope, especially today in these critcal times of collective awakening.    

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My Little Meditation

An illustrated Meditation-Book for Children aged 6-99

Publisher: MyMorawa

Buy the book here:!

Meditation ist ein uraltes Werkzeug, den Geist zu beruhigen, und uns mit Klarheit und Präsenz dem Leben zu stellen.

In this book, we have put together the ancient wisdom and universal tools of meditation to support children of all ages to grown into self-empowered souls. The simple and easy-to-follow exercises encourage us to consciously detach from stressful situations or circumstances so we can remember the powers within and the bliss we all are. 

Watch the Book Trailer! 

Early Years

Scent of Dreams


Publisher: Marion von Schröder, Munich 1999

(out of print)

A story of loss and true love set against the backdrop of the tobacco and cigar industry in the Dominican Republic.

A young art dealer in New York meets a legendary cigar producer, 'El Tabaqueiro' from the Dominican Republic, who teeters between his fear of loss for his family tradition built on colonial values and principles and his own longing for truthfulness.

My Starving Soul

An autobiography

Verlag: Bastei Lübbe, 1997

(out of print)

Together with my publisher, and under a pseudonym, I described the brutal everyday life of a young woman battling with an eating disorder. We wanted to encourage other women that healing and recovery is possible.

Als 12 jähriges Mädchen mache ich meine erste Diät. Ein jahrelanger Alptraum beginnt. Was ich damals, sowie auch meine unzähligen Therapeuten nicht wusste, war, dass ich unter einer schweren, körperlich bedingten Abhängigkeit an den ‚Stoff Essen‘ litt. Ausgelöst von einer scheinbar ‚harmlosen‘ Diät. Essen wurde zur Droge. Ich war gefangen in einer lebensbedrohlichen Sucht-spirale. Erst als ich in New York eine Therapeutin treffe, beginnt meine Heilung. Mir wird klar, dass ich alleine die Kraft habe, mein altes Opferdenken mit lebensbejahenden Glaubenssätze zu ersetzen. Getragen von der Liebe meines Mannes finde ich Kraft und Zuversicht, ein neues Kapitel in meinem Leben aufzuschlagen. 
